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Enter the holy place of revolution, inherit the red spirit, unite the strength of party building, and help the development of the company

Tracing the footprints of ancestors and inheriting red genes, on July 30, the Lide Infrared Party Branch organized all party members to go to the Zhaojin Memorial Hall and Xuejiazhai of the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Revolutionary Base to learn the revolutionary spirit, follow the footprints of the revolutionary pioneers of those years, establish the new China, and inspire the spiritual strength of party members to inherit the revolutionary spirit and continue to work hard.

The Shaanxi-Gansu border revolutionary base area centered on Zhaojin is the first mountainous revolutionary base area in northern China, and is a shining example of Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, Xi Zhongxun and other communists integrating Mao Zedong's idea of separating workers and peasants by armed separation with the specific reality of Shaanxi-Gansu border. Its founding laid the foundation for the development of the revolutionary base areas in the northwest, accumulated experience, cultivated a group of outstanding talents, and made important contributions to the Chinese revolution. In order to express the deep remembrance and high respect of all party members of the party branch for their revolutionary ancestors, in the 1933 square in front of the Zhaojin Memorial Hall, the secretary of the party member branch and the party member representatives first presented a basket of flowers to the revolutionary martyrs.

Walking into the Zhaojin Memorial Hall, everyone listened carefully to the vivid narration of the revolutionary history by the docent, carefully watched the precious documents and physical historical materials left by the revolutionary ancestors, deeply understood the process of the base area from its establishment, development to expansion and the glorious history left in the history of the Chinese revolution, and truly felt the far-sighted strategic vision and heroic and fearless revolutionary struggle spirit of the older generation of revolutionaries.

In the afternoon, all party members visited Xuejiazhai, the revolutionary base area of Shaanxi Biangan, which is located at the southern end of the Qiaoshan Mountain Range at an altitude of more than 1,600 meters. In the spring of 1933, after the party and government leading organs of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army led by Liu Zhidan, Xi Zhongxun and Xie Zichang moved to Shangzhai of the Red Army, they set up military hospitals, repair factories, quilt factories, warehouses and other logistics units in four caves.

At the old revolutionary site of Xuejiazhai, party members and cadres re-walked the "Red Army Road", and along the way, they personally felt the hardships of the revolutionary ancestors who set up arsenals, hospitals, headquarters and other revolutionary sites on cliffs, caves and caves, and experienced the hardships and hardships they experienced in those years.

Through this educational activity, the unity and cohesion of the party members of Lide Infrared will be enhanced, the revolutionary will and combat effectiveness of the team will be stimulated, and the fearless struggle and sacrifice spirit of the revolutionary martyrs will be carried forward. Everyone said one after another that this was a spiritual and ideological baptism, and even more a tempering of party spirit and cultivation. This activity can well guide the company's party members and cadres and R & D backbones to set an example and firm belief in the work in the second half of the year, stimulate the party members and cadres to strive to be party members with high moral character, tenacious will, pioneering and enterprising, and hard work in their respective jobs, and can fully play a leading role in the work position, and go all out to lead the team to complete the goals and tasks in the second half of the year.