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Key Location Security

The multispectral panoramic search and detection system adopts cooled mid-wave infrared or uncooled long-wave infrared area scan back technology, equipped with continuous zoom visible light camera, an

Industry Background

Traditional protection of important places generally uses perimeter fences (or walls) to install infrared through-beam, electronic fences, vibration cables, vibration optical fibers, etc., and this security measure mainly has the following problems:

(1) High false alarm: small animals, leaf shaking, light and shadow, vibration, etc. are very easy to produce false alarms, resulting in false alarms. False alarms tend to paralyze duty personnel and ignore real threats.

(2) High underreporting: Jumping, suspending, remote control vehicle leaping and other cross-border behaviors will be underreported.

(3) Installation and debugging technology requirements are high.

At present, the more common means is to use video surveillance equipment to use the "rear-end" method to form an invisible fence, and through intelligent video processing means, the cross-border target within the field of view is automatically alarmed. This method has the following problems: too much equipment, high cost, complicated installation and construction, and difficult maintenance. Because each video device can generally only cover the range of tens of meters and about 100 meters. For the perimeter length of tens of kilometers in key areas, hundreds of thousands of video equipment are required, which brings great difficulties to construction costs, construction difficulties, maintenance costs, etc.

Industry application scenarios and solutions

IEADIR key security system first adopts multi-spectral panoramic search and detection system through 360° panoramic image to monitor all perimeter setting areas within the monitoring power for all-weather real-time video monitoring, through intelligent image processing technology, to ensure that any small moving target into the alert range, including from low altitude entry can be timely alarm, can ensure no false alarm. At the same time, by setting reasonable alarm conditions, non-threatening interference targets are excluded from the alarm to ensure a low false alarm rate. Secondly, relying on its 360° omnidirectional monitoring range, only a small amount of equipment needs to be deployed to cover the entire perimeter of the key area. The equipment can be erected on the top of a high-rise building or tower with a certain height, and then through a reasonable station, to ensure that there is no omission and no dead end in the monitoring perimeter. This solution saves construction costs and reduces construction and maintenance difficulties.

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