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Liu Wei, chairman and general manager of IEADIR Infrared, was awarded the "Sanqin Youth Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Star"

Recently, the third "Looking for the Most Beautiful Sanqin Youth Science and Technology Star" was announced, and Liu Wei, chairman and general manager of Lide Infrared, was awarded the "Sanqin Youth Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Star".

Liu Wei

Liu Wei is the chairman and general manager of Xi'an Zhongke Lide Infrared Technology Co., Ltd., a party member, researcher, doctor, and concurrently serves as an enterprise tutor of Hangzhou Research Institute of Xidian University, the vice president of Shaanxi Chasing Light Photonics Industry Pilot Innovation Center, a member of the Standing Committee of the 15th Executive Committee of Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce, and a special envoy for talent introduction in Xi'an Campus.

Comrade Liu Wei has long been engaged in the research and equipment development of high-sensitivity infrared imaging and high-precision infrared temperature field measurement technology. As the project leader and scientific research backbone, he has undertaken more than 20 major scientific research tasks for national defense and aerospace, and has authorized more than 40 invention patents. In 2016, he was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Communist Party Member" by the Xiguang Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; In 2020, he was selected as the first batch of "high-end entrepreneurial talents" in Xi'an; In 2021, he was selected as a "local-level leading talent" for high-level talents in Xi'an; In 2022, he was selected as the "Leading Talent in Science and Technology Entrepreneurship" of the Special Support Program for High-level Talents in Shaanxi Province. As the founder and helmsman of Leader Infrared, Liu Wei will continue to lead the team to deeply cultivate the field of intelligent infrared optoelectronics, and create a comprehensive provider of ultra-extreme infrared products and solutions with a certain scale that integrates optical, mechanical, electrical and artificial intelligence image processing technologies, and promote the prosperity and development of the photonic industry chain.

This selection activity was jointly carried out by the Shaanxi Provincial Youth League Provincial Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Taxation Bureau, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, the Administrative Committee of Xixian New Area, and the Provincial Youth Federation.

This selection activity is to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Shaanxi and the important speech of the Central Talent Work Conference, help the construction of the outstanding young scientific and technological talents team and potential project group of the "Qin Chuangyuan" innovation-driven platform, and actively guide the majority of young scientific and technological workers to display their talents and make contributions in promoting the high-quality economic development of our province. The individuals and teams selected as the third "Sanqin Youth Science and Technology Star" have made outstanding achievements in scientific and technological innovation, entrepreneurship and service, made positive contributions to the scientific and technological progress and economic and social development of Shaanxi Province, and are excellent representatives of young scientific and technological workers in the province in recent years.

Editor: Wang Weina
Proofreader: Wang Ying
Reviewed: Ou Qinwei